Monday, November 26, 2007


My main beef with this commercial is the little girl. She may be the most annoying little girl I have ever seen. When she says, "It's the mirrors" she has such a snotty tone you would think she invented the damn technology. There is a definite creepy factor to her as well. I can imagine wake up at night just before she jams a shard of a broken mirror through my chest chanting, "It's the mirrors, it's the mirrors." Also, what the hell is with that elephant? I keep waiting for it to step on that girl but it never does. I'm sure she's a nice girl, it's the directors fault for making her so annoying.

Verdict: 1 suxxor. They aren't THAT bad but they get on my nerves.


Nurse Lady said...

I am not sure I've seen this one, but anything with creepy looking children just sucks. Watching things like Children of the Corn scarred me when I was a kid OK.

Anonymous said...

I somewhat remember this, enough to relate to the creepiness, but will have to search it out to enjoy the post even more.