Sunday, November 18, 2007


These are by far my favorite commercials on TV. The play-on-words is hilarious. If you haven't seen them here's an example. Two guys walk up to a table filled with name tags. They both reach for the one that says "Bill". They then get into a fight with one Bill throwing the other Bill to the ground. A box then pops up with the tag line - "There's only one bill" referring to the fact that you can get cable, internet and phone on one bill. There are too many others to even try to list them all but that one is my favorite. Plus, Comcast seems to make a new one every week so they aren't getting stale. There are at least 10 different commercials in rotation. Comcast I salute you and your hilarious commercials!

Verdict: 5 roxxorz! A rare perfect rating but the ads are insanely funny and there are so many variations that I never get tired of seeing them.


Anonymous said...

I think it is a cool idea...

I'll definately check back to see what you have to blog about...

The Hotel Guy said...

Thanks monique

Nurse Lady said...

Can we do anything about Armstrong's commercials? Cuz for the love of all that is holy I pay enough money for them to have some better advertising. Comcast's are good.