Sunday, December 2, 2007


Most of these commercials do a very good job of making the product look very cool. The one I have a problem with is the pilot telling the story about the flight being delayed then he checked the weather on his iPhone and told the tower and the got to take off. GIVE ME A BREAK! You mean to tell me that the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment in the control tower can't check the weather? And what cell phone doesn't have the ability to get weather reports? I think Apple is a little full of itself sometime. I rewrote the commercial.

Pilot against black background

"I was on a flight to D.C. one time and hijackers took over. I didn't know what to do. Then I remembered I had an iPhone."

Just end it there. What the hell did he do with the iPhone? Did he throw it at them? Did he look up how to kill people on the Internet? Did he trade his iPhone to the terrorists in return for freeing the plane? The world may never know.

Verdict: 3 suxxorz. Apple needs to learn not to treat people like they are morons.


Nurse Lady said...

Didn't the iPhone just do a commercial about checking your stocks and some other crap... about what did you do before? I don't know uh gee I wondered around banging my head off things. Even if it's not for the iPhone it's for some other phone that is treating us like if you have this phone then you have evolved and can now walk upright and the rest of us...well.

Nurse Lady said...

Oh and one more thing not to say anything against certain people with nifty phones, but seriously why do you need a phone to watch movies on? How is that even fun? I don't understand. I have the chocolate never did a thing with the Mp3 player I don't have time. Its a nice slim little phone that fits in my pocket and I don't have to carry a purse.

The Hotel Guy said...

I agree. My phone can play TV but so can my TV so which do you think I'ma watch? I have started downloading some songs onto it but that's not that great. And what happened to phones coming with games already installed? Now we gotta spend all kinds of money downloading 100 sucky games in the hopes we might get one good one.