Friday, December 28, 2007

Body Sprays and Blue Jeans

First off the blue jeans. I guess it's hard to come up with original ads for a product that basically hasn't changed since it was first created but blue jean commercials are some of the worst. I'm going to focus on the one that bugs my wife the most. I can't remember the brand but it shows a guy in his apartment and as he pulls his jeans up an entire city starts to burst up through the ground. What does this have to do with anything? My wife said she would've liked to have seen a parking meter thrust up his butt when he pulled the jeans up.

Blue Jean commercials: 4 suxxorz. Think of something relevant to the product.

Secondly, body spray commercials. TAG commercials used to really bug me because they basically expect you to believe that spraying their crap on you will get women to take off their clothes. I've 2 possible ways to make TAG actually work. Spray it in the girls eyes so she can't see what a fat ugly loser you are or spray directly into your own eyes so you can't see what the chick you really get looks like. Of course I don't advise you to do either of these. I thought TAG commercials were bad until I saw Bod Man body spray. They went the complete opposite route and show a bunch of sweaty shirtless guys running around while a woman sings their horrible jingle, "Check out that bod. I want your bod." At first I thought they were marketing specifically to gays, which would be refreshing to see, but then I saw females sitting in bleachers watching these guys run around. You don't see Playtex commercials featuring half naked women jumping on trampolines do you? No. My guess is the Bod ad team figures this will get women's attention and they will buy this for their men.

Body Spray commercials: 2 suxxorz. They won't get you laid.

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