Sunday, December 2, 2007

Any Commercial Where A Car Is Given As A Gift

Every christmas we are subjected to this crap. Good job Lexus, Mercedes, BMW and all the other companies that put these on the air. Way to remind the majority of the people watching how poor they are. Car commercials in general are the worst. The best ones I can think of are the Toyota commercials where the truck is hit by a meteor or eaten by a dragon in World of Warcraft. While we are on the subject of car commercials. What is up with local car dealer's commercials? I know they don't have the production budget or ability that the auto makers do but why can't they at least hire an intelligent writer. I live near several, I'd be happy to do it. Best car dealership commercial ever is the spoof on OSU coach Mike Gundy's meltdown. Here is the meltdown - and here is the spoof - .



Anonymous said...

Yes the car commercials are bad, but where is the rant about the jewelry comercials ? Those get an eye roll every time.
I'm an Okie, so it's against the law for me to comment on the Mike Gundy thing, the spoof is funny though.
I really like what you're doing here, I'm going to add a link to you on my blog, if that's ok w/ you.

The Hotel Guy said...

Yeah jewelry commercials are bad too. Basically a commercial for anything I can't afford irks me. I'd be thrilled to have a link on your blog and I would be happy to return the favor if you like. Thanks for the support

Nurse Lady said...

I am in total agreement. I want to know why they have to make everything so magifantastical...I'm talking cars and jewelry it makes me want to vomit. The only car commercials I like are Ford cuz they have Mike Rowe in them...yum!