Saturday, December 22, 2007


Citizen Eco-Drive Watches: I'm focusing on the one with Eli Manning in it. If you know anything about Eli Manning then you will see the absurdity of this ad. The tag line is "Unstoppable". I'd believe an ad for the Humane Society featuring Michael Vick before I'll believe Eli Manning is unstoppable. He's stuck in a perpetual state of "Aww shucks". Just watch a Giants game.
Verdict: 3 suxxorz. Think before you pick a spokesperson.

Hummer: First off I hate all Hummer commercials because I think people who drive them are pricks but the one that pissed me shows all kinds of natural disasters like floods, tornadoes, wild fires, then it shows people driving Hummers through it all like it's nothing. I guess Hummers are fire proof. They should show a city just packed with people driving Hummers. Then they can show people walking around on the sidewalks wearing bio suits with oxygen tanks because we have no ozone left.
Verdict: 5 suxxorz. Hummers are for assholes.

Burger King: This is an overall review of all the BK commercials. They are great. I remember the first time I saw the King with that giant creepy head I fell in love instantly. I like the newest ones where they stop serving the Whopper for a day. That's a good idea though believe me I've worked at fast food restaurants and people will bitch no matter what crappy item you get take off the menu.
Verdict: 3 roxxorz. Love that big headed King.

Ok I'll be posting more regularly after the holidays. Happy Whatever You Celebrate!

1 comment:

Nurse Lady said...

The King is creepy and if he was outside my window at night I'd freak. However I love these commercials, too. I laugh hysterically at the ones with the moms going after him. I totally agree with you on this one.