Sunday, December 30, 2007

Funniest Commercials of the Year

I forgot to mention that this was coming on. It aired 12/26 on TBS. I've seen it rerun already so maybe they will show it again. Kevin Nealon hosts and does a pretty good job. Way better than when James Brown hosts Fox's version. Most of the time these clip show hosts are horrible. Just look at every America's Funniest Home Video host EVER. If you've ever watched one of these shows you will notice that international ads are way better than the ones we get here. I think part of the reason is that censorship laws in a lot of other countries are less strict.

Anyway if you see that the show is airing again check it out. It's good. You can also check out to see what was on the show.

Southwest Airlines

These ads are great. They show someone doing something stupid then the tag line "Wanna Get Away?"

My favorite shows two guys playing video game baseball. The one guy is showing the other how his motion sensing controller works but swinging it like a baseball bat. He then says "Now throw me a pitch just like if we were outside"

His friend hurls his controller at the flat screen TV shattering it and sending it crashing to the ground. Wanna get away?


Verdict: 4 roxxorz. Some of the funniest ads on TV.

Friday, December 28, 2007

New Blog

Check out my new blog

It's pretty self explanatory.

Body Sprays and Blue Jeans

First off the blue jeans. I guess it's hard to come up with original ads for a product that basically hasn't changed since it was first created but blue jean commercials are some of the worst. I'm going to focus on the one that bugs my wife the most. I can't remember the brand but it shows a guy in his apartment and as he pulls his jeans up an entire city starts to burst up through the ground. What does this have to do with anything? My wife said she would've liked to have seen a parking meter thrust up his butt when he pulled the jeans up.

Blue Jean commercials: 4 suxxorz. Think of something relevant to the product.

Secondly, body spray commercials. TAG commercials used to really bug me because they basically expect you to believe that spraying their crap on you will get women to take off their clothes. I've 2 possible ways to make TAG actually work. Spray it in the girls eyes so she can't see what a fat ugly loser you are or spray directly into your own eyes so you can't see what the chick you really get looks like. Of course I don't advise you to do either of these. I thought TAG commercials were bad until I saw Bod Man body spray. They went the complete opposite route and show a bunch of sweaty shirtless guys running around while a woman sings their horrible jingle, "Check out that bod. I want your bod." At first I thought they were marketing specifically to gays, which would be refreshing to see, but then I saw females sitting in bleachers watching these guys run around. You don't see Playtex commercials featuring half naked women jumping on trampolines do you? No. My guess is the Bod ad team figures this will get women's attention and they will buy this for their men.

Body Spray commercials: 2 suxxorz. They won't get you laid.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

100 Hits!

Thanks to everyone! I know it's not that many but it's big to me. Look out Google and Yahoo! Here I come.

Saturday, December 22, 2007


Citizen Eco-Drive Watches: I'm focusing on the one with Eli Manning in it. If you know anything about Eli Manning then you will see the absurdity of this ad. The tag line is "Unstoppable". I'd believe an ad for the Humane Society featuring Michael Vick before I'll believe Eli Manning is unstoppable. He's stuck in a perpetual state of "Aww shucks". Just watch a Giants game.
Verdict: 3 suxxorz. Think before you pick a spokesperson.

Hummer: First off I hate all Hummer commercials because I think people who drive them are pricks but the one that pissed me shows all kinds of natural disasters like floods, tornadoes, wild fires, then it shows people driving Hummers through it all like it's nothing. I guess Hummers are fire proof. They should show a city just packed with people driving Hummers. Then they can show people walking around on the sidewalks wearing bio suits with oxygen tanks because we have no ozone left.
Verdict: 5 suxxorz. Hummers are for assholes.

Burger King: This is an overall review of all the BK commercials. They are great. I remember the first time I saw the King with that giant creepy head I fell in love instantly. I like the newest ones where they stop serving the Whopper for a day. That's a good idea though believe me I've worked at fast food restaurants and people will bitch no matter what crappy item you get take off the menu.
Verdict: 3 roxxorz. Love that big headed King.

Ok I'll be posting more regularly after the holidays. Happy Whatever You Celebrate!

Been Busy

Sorry for the lack of posts. I've just been busy with all this holiday crap. It's December 22nd and I haven't gotten my wife a gift yet. I also have not seen alot of commercials worth reviewing but I'll do a rapid fire session on the couple that have stood out.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Any Commercial Where A Car Is Given As A Gift

Every christmas we are subjected to this crap. Good job Lexus, Mercedes, BMW and all the other companies that put these on the air. Way to remind the majority of the people watching how poor they are. Car commercials in general are the worst. The best ones I can think of are the Toyota commercials where the truck is hit by a meteor or eaten by a dragon in World of Warcraft. While we are on the subject of car commercials. What is up with local car dealer's commercials? I know they don't have the production budget or ability that the auto makers do but why can't they at least hire an intelligent writer. I live near several, I'd be happy to do it. Best car dealership commercial ever is the spoof on OSU coach Mike Gundy's meltdown. Here is the meltdown - and here is the spoof - .



Most of these commercials do a very good job of making the product look very cool. The one I have a problem with is the pilot telling the story about the flight being delayed then he checked the weather on his iPhone and told the tower and the got to take off. GIVE ME A BREAK! You mean to tell me that the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment in the control tower can't check the weather? And what cell phone doesn't have the ability to get weather reports? I think Apple is a little full of itself sometime. I rewrote the commercial.

Pilot against black background

"I was on a flight to D.C. one time and hijackers took over. I didn't know what to do. Then I remembered I had an iPhone."

Just end it there. What the hell did he do with the iPhone? Did he throw it at them? Did he look up how to kill people on the Internet? Did he trade his iPhone to the terrorists in return for freeing the plane? The world may never know.

Verdict: 3 suxxorz. Apple needs to learn not to treat people like they are morons.