Sunday, November 18, 2007


Enough with Jared already!!! We get it. He was fat then he ate Subway and now he's skinny. Come up with something new. Maybe Jared starts to lose his willpower and gorges on Quiznos subs. He then blimps up to 350lbs. All the celebrity guests that have been in the commercials get together and hold an intervention for him and in a fit of hoagie induced rage he eats Reggie Bush. Just a thought. Subway subs are the bomb too so they deserve better commercials. There are some brilliant advertising companies out there and I'd imagine Subway can afford to hire one of them.

Verdict: 1 suxxor. He's annoying but not so much that I won't continue to devour those delicious subs.


Silent Snob said...

nice looking blog.

also a nice idea reviewing commercials...i think you should do a review of the new cadburies ad with the gorilla playing the drums. Its quite funny...

i review gadgets and tv shows...our work isnt that different in a way...

if you want you can take a look...and leave a comment...or maybe even click on some of the google ads...:P

The Hotel Guy said...

I certainly will check out your blog, chocolate monkey. I haven't seen the cadbury commercial yet but it sounds good. Cadbury usually puts good ads on TV.