Friday, January 11, 2008

Anti Marijuana Commercials

First off let me say that I am all for stopping kids from doing drugs. That being said I hate these commercials. These commercials are so over the top it's ridiculous. They feature such "common" scenes as kids sitting in their dad's office smoking weed. The one kid then says to the other, "Hey, I know where my dad keeps his gun." Of course they get the gun out and one of the kids gets shot. Here's what would really happen.

Two kids smoking in their dads office.

Stoner #1, "Hey I know where my dad keeps his Cheetos."

Stoner #2, "Awesome. Go get em"

Stoner #1, "Go get what?"

And no one gets shot. My wife saw one the other day. She missed part of it but somehow kids were smoking in a car and then the car bursts into flames.

I've written some new ads for these people.

Two kids are sitting on a porch smoking pot.

Kid 1, "My mom said that smoking weed can lower your sperm count."

Kid 2, "Yeah right"

Kid 2's testicles explode.

Here's another:

Two kids walking home from school are approached by a drug dealer. He offers them a joint.

Kid 1, "No way man. Dope is for dopes"

Kid 2, "I'll try it."

Kid 2's testicles explode.

I did see one ad that was decent. This kid is talking about his stoner friend or brother or someone and it goes something like, "My brother smokes pot. He didn't shoot anyone. He didn't crash his car. He didn't rape anyone. You know what he did? Nothing."

That's the right point to get across. Kids aren't stupid so those over the top ads don't work. Point is that if you want to get a message to kids you cannot address them like kids. Don't tell them that if you do drugs the monster under your bed will get mad and eat you. Tell them the truth. And why is weed the only drug I see addressed in these commercials? Why don't they show kids doing coke or abusing cough medicine?

Verdict: 5 suxxorz. They are stupid.


Mark said...

Great share. offers their advertisers the unique ability to drive the radio advertising price down to your unique business metrics. Advertising has taken a momentous turn with pay per action advertising.

Unknown said...

This is a terrible idea. It is definitely not kid friendly