Tuesday, January 8, 2008


Subway has listened to me! Here is an excerpt from the letter they sent me:

"thank you so much for letting us know that Jared sucks. We stopped running ads featuring him and business is up 300,000%. We are now the richest company in the world. We have made so much money because of you that we don't even know where to put it all. As a token of our appreciation we're sending you a coupon for 50% off a 6 inch sub."


Obviously I made that up (or did i?) (yes, i did) but I have noticed a steady stream of Jared free ads from this purveyor of palatable p...subs.

The funniest one features a guy at work being asked for receipts from his business lunch at some burger joint. He asks if he can just photocopy his butt. The point being that his huge ass is proof he eats fast food burgers.

Another ad features Peter Griffin from Family Guy reciting the "Ode to the Subway Feast". Nothing hilarious here but Peter Griffin can get a chuckle out of me every time.

Verdict: 2 roxxorz. Not bad ads. Anything without Jared is a step up.

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