Tuesday, January 8, 2008


These ads have always bothered me. Has anyone everyone gone to this site to get your "free" credit report? It's not FREE! You have to sign up for some bullshit program and then they will give you your credit report. It's shady business practices. The new ads they run are slightly enjoyable because the songs are pretty catchy. One is a guy dressed like a pirate working in a seafood restaurant singing about his crappy job and how somehow he has the job because he didn't go to freecreditreport.com and the other is a guy with his wife and they are living in her parent's basement because they couldn't get a loan for a house because she had bad credit. What bothers me is in the song he says "I married my dream girl...." then at the end he says something like, "if i had gone to freecreditreport.com I'd be a happy bachelor with a dog and a yard." So love has nothing to do with a successful marriage? It's all about money. We should run credit checks on our significant others before entering into a long term commitment? And this jerk off says he'd have a nice place if he was a bachelor. I would imagine he's getting a loan for this place. SO WHY CAN'T HE GET A LOAN FOR HIM AND HIS WIFE IN HIS NAME?

Verdict: 3 suxxorz. Misleading and stupid. The songs are ok though.

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