Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Bowl

I know I said I'd review the commercials live but the game was too damn good. But don't worry I recorded the whole game and will post the reviews tonight. Overall the ads sucked. They have sucked the past couple years. Do companies try too hard? Do we expect too much? Who knows but they are not what they used to be. Anyway congrats to the New York Giants! Aside from the Steelers winning Super Bowl XL I've never been this excited about a game.

Check in tomorrow for ALL the commercial reviews.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Old Spice

In this commercial there's a guy playing baseball. He is standing on 2nd base and as soon as the ball is hit he dives into a slide. He continues to slide all the way to 3rd, rounds 3rd and grabs a stick of Old Spice deodarant(still in a slide) and ends up safe at home. The whole time he's sliding he's telling you how Old Spice is the best deodarant but he's using all kinds of sports analogies to describe Old Spice. It's a hilarious commercial.

Verdict: 3 roxxorz. The guy slides from 2nd to home with no running start. Funny stuff.